Thursday, February 25, 2010

Power of Public health

This week's reading is on a case of an old woman who has leprosy but does not want to be isolated to an uncomfortable dwelling. The board of health wants to move her to another place to prevent spreading of the infectious disease. It says the board of health has the power to make and enforce regulations to protect the health of the community.
Both quarantine and isolation are for people with infectious diseases. Quarantine is when people who may or may not actually have an infectious disease are asked to stay inside their home or stay away from others. For example, students are quarantined in their rooms when they have the flu. Isolation is for people who for sure have an infectious illness and are isolated from other people. They receive special care and the people who care for them take special precautionary procedures.
I think the board of health with a doctor's approval should decide when an individual should be quarantined. Even in the reading, it states the board of health has the right to isolate people for the general public's health. If it is the individual's choice to decide whether to quarantine herself or not, not everyone may decide to isolate his or herself and the infectious disease may spread. For example, a person may think he or she feels better but is actually still contagious and unknowingly spread it to the public. But when it is the board of health's decision, the person is mandated to be isolated and has no chance to spread the disease. Of course they would need proof from a doctor so a person is not isolated for no reason.
The state court should balance the right of the individuals and the right of the community. Every community is different so the the wants of the individual and the community would be different for each state. I think erring on the community would be more favorable because the community's health is for the greater good. If individuals had more right on health, it could get out of control and diseases once thought to be cured can be a hazard again. Although siding on the community too much could potentially lead to infringement of a person's right. A good balance is the best as both the individual and the community can be appeased.

1 comment:

  1. April, great explanations of the relevant points i.e. individual vs community rights, and the appropriate decision-makers when these issues come up. Great job.
