Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Hi, my name is April and I am a first year biology major. This blog is for public health issues and my opinions on them. I am interested in Public Health because it affects the whole community and our general everyday life. I hope to become a physician so I am interested in Public Health too. Public Health is what makes our daily life safe and improve our quality of life. It not only focuses on the sciences of epidemiology but also in social justice. It is basically the health of our population. I am interested in the epidemiology part of Public Health and how cases can be solved. I hope to learn much through these blogs and the class.

1 comment:

  1. Hi April, this is Sammy, your TA for the Public Health course. Good introduction, I look forward to your future entries where you will build on your initial posts with more detailed information and explanations. I see that you'd like to become a physician in the future, and I couldn't agree more that a background in Public Health will serve you well in this career.

    Please email me with any questions on the blog or the course any time over the next few months. Just for convenience, my email is:

    I'll be following your Blog weekly and will provide feedback in this format with each blog entry. I am particularly looking forward to your future blog entries. I look forward to e-communicating over the next few months until we meet again in person in April!
