Democrats supported this bill greatly and it was finally passed.
Democrats stand for the interests of the working Americans and want personal liberties
for all. Their goal is to raise the economy, create affordable healthcare for Americans,
have retirement security, and many more. Democrats want the government to make
changes to better the lives of all Americans. The democrats are considered more liberal
so they would support health care reform. The republicans greatly opposed the reform.
Republicans oppose health care reform as they believe government is given more power
from controlling America's health care. Less power is given to the citizens in the choice of
health care then. Also, there is greater taxation on wealthier people with the health care
reform. Republicans are considered more conservative and health care reform is a
huge change. To appease the Republicans, few changes have been made to the health bill.
I think the health care reform bill is a good change. So far, the current health care system
has not been working well so hopefully this new change will bring a better health care
system to the US. I think it is good how people are mandated to get health insurance
now but at the same time, insurance is made affordable and easy to access so everyone in the
US can be insured. Health care expenditures will lower and hopefully the money can go
towards other areas like public health and improve things in America greatly. Everyone in
my family is already insured so there probably won't be a major change. We may have to
pay higher tax but it will be for the better in the long run. This reform could my grandparents
more as they are on medicare and it is supposed to be improved.
The healthcare system before the reform had some strengths. If insured, people would
have great consumer access and America is top in medical technologies. Financial
incentives also worked well for special services between physicians and insurance companies.
Of course there were many other strengths but it also had many weaknesses. Hopefully
with the reform, America's health care system will gain even more strengths. If ranking
of the US in least infant mortality and lifespan goes up and health care does not cost so
much, it would a good indicator the new health care is working well.
Good job, April, in attempting to tie the changes from health insurance reform to broader public health and societal implications. You present the views of both sides of the Congressional spectrum and a possible rationale for each side.